Ass Pull: Some of "Da Rules" seem to be made up on the spot to make sure Timmy can't just unwish his problems (all vocal wishes must be made in the voice of the godchild, no breakfast wishes after 10:30am, etc.).
#The fairly oddparents just the two of us archive#
Archive Panic: We've got 172 episodes or 283 segments, twelve movies, and eight video games.Parodied in one episode, "The Masked Magician", where Timmy says "I learned that sometimes "I'm sorry" can be the only magic words you need", followed by a cut to a flashing screen with the words " MORAL OF THE STORY".Anvilicious: The aesops have a tendency to be this.Americans Hate Tingle: Like Yin Yang Yo! and Family Guy, this show is hated in France, with Foop's French voice actor even disowning the show similar to how Rob Paulsen disowned Bubsy.Is it because they genuinely miss their parents and are upset that they can't see them because of their incarceration, or are they trying to do what Timmy did in hopes that it will enable them to get out of jail? Alternative Joke Interpretation: The convicts crying that they want their mommies and daddies too after witnessing Timmy being let out of jail when his crying restores his godparents and returns him to being a ten-year-old kid in "The Big Problem".In context, it's because Timmy is making makeshift diapers for the fairies he turned into babies, and it's likely just meant to be an extreme coincidence, but it comes across like a masturbation joke. Phil parody who warns parents about kids taking toilet paper up to their room and saying not to bother them, which Timmy does right at that moment. "Poof's Playdate" has Timmy's parents watch a Dr.This leads to an unfortunate shot where Timmy has his hand down the front of Francis's pants. In "Inspection Detection," Timmy proves Francis is the shoplifter by pulling merch out of Francis's pants.Not everyone is just like their online profiles. Accidental Aesop: "The Odd Couple" gives us the dangers of going on dating sites.In one episode, theyre so focused on logic, that they don't even understand the concept of love. Smart people are often targeted as well, being portrayed as Insufferable and Smug if not portrayed as Mad Scientists.There's also an ongoing theory that Butch Hartman, or someone else on the writing staff, really hates rich people, seeing as they're almost never depicted positively (with the occasional exception of Trixie Tang pre- Flanderization).The show really likes to stereotype British people and make fun of Europe.

Abandon Shipping: While it didn't completely kill off the ship, several shippers ended up losing interest in the Timmy/Trixie ship after the events of "Just the Two of Us".